Meet the Superintendent

Doctor of Philosophy, Education
Northwest Nazarene University
Nampa, ID 2015
Superintendent Credential Training
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle, WA 2006
Master of Education
Educational Leadership
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle, WA 1999
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics Education
Minor in English
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA 1992
Dear Knappa Community:
It is my pleasure to serve as the Superintendent of the Knappa School District. Our schools enjoy fantastic community support, and we endeavor to live out our mission of inspiring academic achievement and helping them thrive as responsible and productive citizens.
Our school district works hard to provide quality instruction in “core subject areas” and also has innovative and unique programs. We have a great forestry program, we provide college in the high school opportunities, we are investing in a K-12 music education program, we have a quality visual arts program, we run a quality online education option, and due to our location, science opportunities are in our backyard. Knappa High School is proud of the strong graduation rate, and we are working hard to improve academic achievement at all levels. For the 2021-22 school year, we introduced a pre-school program to build a strong learning foundation for our community’s youngest children.
As a school in a smaller community, we know our students and families well and nurture a caring environment. Class sizes in Knappa are smaller than other area school districts, and we work hard to connect with each student.
The school experience extends way beyond classes and academics, however. Our long tradition of athletic success and embracement of the outdoors are unique attributes of our “community on the hill.”
We exist to serve the community. Please feel free to reach out to our teachers, counselors, support employees, principals or me if you need anything. My email is
I would love to meet you in one of our bi-monthly “Chats with the Superintendent” which are advertised on our website. You can also glean current information from a weekly Community Update letter, which is posted on the website.
Go Loggers! Go Bulldogs!
Bill Fritz, Ph.D.
Knappa School District #4
Superintendent Community Updates